Mairi29: stock doves
Mairi29: GBW stats 2024
Mairi29: bat box
Mairi29: Pied Wagtail...
Mairi29: Song Thrush....
Mairi29: Song Thrush....
Mairi29: L Redpolls
Mairi29: blackcap male
Mairi29: crocuses
Mairi29: Whooper Swan
Mairi29: Siskin back!
Mairi29: Blackcap male1 28nov
Mairi29: Frost Tortrix Expate congelatella2
Mairi29: Chromatomyia primulae
Mairi29: Greater Thorn-tipped Longhorn Beetle
Mairi29: Olive-tree Pearl
Mairi29: Large White eggs on kale plant
Mairi29: new area of garden available!
Mairi29: Waved Black
Mairi29: Hoverfly pollinating the Chillis!
Mairi29: Lunar Hornet moth
Mairi29: Brimstone Butterfly pupating
Mairi29: Orange-tailed Clearwing
Mairi29: Red-belted Clearwing
Mairi29: Red-belted Clearwing2
Mairi29: Brimstone Pupa
Mairi29: Currant Clearwing
Mairi29: Emperor moths hatching
Mairi29: Brimstone Butterfly laying on Buckthorn
Mairi29: Big Billy-no-mates has got a friend!