The All Seeing Eye (JimGrim): Fell Beast GWP Rework
=DoNe=: LEGO Gandalf Arrives
=DoNe=: LEGO Orc Forge MOC
gdugaucquier: He shuddered; and very quickly he was plain Mr. Baggins of Bag-End, Under-Hill, again
roland947: LEGO Witch- King of Angmar
gdugaucquier: The dark came into the room from the little window that opened in the side of The Hill; the firelight flickered—it was April—and still they played on, while the shadow of Gandalf’s beard wagged against the wall.
roland947: LEGO Witch- King of Angmar
roland947: LEGO Witch- King of Angmar
JBricks01: "Get him, Legolas!"
JBricks01: Helm's Deep
JBricks01: Gandalf in Dol Guldur
JBricks01: Not, a nasty, dirty, hole...
JBricks01: An Unexpected Party
JBricks01: "Fly, You Fools!"
gdugaucquier: On the table in the light of a big lamp with a red shade he spread a piece of parchment rather like a map.
Faëbricks: The shire
Lego Popo: [The Lord Of The Rings] Shelob
Lego Popo: [The Lord Of The Rings] Shelob 5
Lego Popo: [The Lord Of The Rings] Shelob
Lego Popo: [The Lord Of The Rings] Shelob
Lego Popo: [The Lord Of The Rings] Shelob
davide7582: …dite amici ed entrate…
gdugaucquier: Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, and Gloin were their names; and very soon two purple hoods, a grey hood, a brown hood, and a white hood were hanging on the pegs, and off they marched with their broad hands stuck in their gold and silver belts to join the others.
gdugaucquier: Let me introduce Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and especially Thorin!
gdugaucquier: “Kili at your service!” said the one. “And Fili!” added the other.
11inthewoods: Horned Troll