gdugaucquier: But secretly Sauron made One Ring to rule all the others
gdugaucquier: The dark came into the room from the little window that opened in the side of The Hill; the firelight flickered—it was April—and still they played on, while the shadow of Gandalf’s beard wagged against the wall.
gdugaucquier: He shuddered; and very quickly he was plain Mr. Baggins of Bag-End, Under-Hill, again
gdugaucquier: On the table in the light of a big lamp with a red shade he spread a piece of parchment rather like a map.
gdugaucquier: Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, and Gloin were their names; and very soon two purple hoods, a grey hood, a brown hood, and a white hood were hanging on the pegs, and off they marched with their broad hands stuck in their gold and silver belts to join the others.
gdugaucquier: Let me introduce Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and especially Thorin!
gdugaucquier: “Kili at your service!” said the one. “And Fili!” added the other.
gdugaucquier: Balin at you service
gdugaucquier: Dwalin at your service
gdugaucquier: After a while he stepped up, and with the spike on his staff scratched a queer sign on the hobbit’s beautiful green front-door. - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: They shall see me and remember who is the real King under the Mountain! - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: Queer Lodgings - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: ‘I need smoke! I have not tasted it since the morning before the snowstorm.’ - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: ‘I cannot read the fiery letters,’ said Frodo in a quavering voice. - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: Now goblins are cruel, wicked, and bad-hearted.
gdugaucquier: “Who are these miserable persons?” said the Great Goblin. - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: Suddenly on the path ahead appeared some white deer, a hind and fawns as snowy white as the hart had been dark. - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: In the end he poked his head above the roof of leaves. - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: He saw the elven-flowers spring about her feet, and healed again he longed by her to dance and sing upon the grass untroubling. - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: To fulfil our oath and have peace. - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: Oathbreakers, why have ye come? - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: Sorry! I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not today. Good morning! - LEGO - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: He is one of the wandering folk – Rangers we call them
gdugaucquier: The whole hill was crowned with dazzling light
gdugaucquier: Suddenly a shadow, like the shape of great wings, passed across the moon. - Lego - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: Goodmorning - Lego - Lord of the Rings
gdugaucquier: Old fool! This is my hour. - Lego - Lord of the Rings