stumppix: Dark window in stone building
stumppix: Roadside church
amarona_ch: La Statue de la Liberté
amarona_ch: New-york au couché du soleil
stumppix: Pumpkins and bouquets
stumppix: Two Little Dumplings
stumppix: Kettle corn stall
stumppix: Peppers and tomatoes
stumppix: Radishes, turnips, cabbage, onions, scallions
stumppix: Smiling woman with pumpkin
stumppix: Photo from behind a food cart
stumppix: Busy October farmers' market
stumppix: Vegetable seller at farmers' market
Mitchell Studio: Kansas City Southern, Kansas City USA
mckenart: New Holland honeyeater
mierasflicker: Superbloom 2019, Antelope Valley California
davidwalls520: MALE SISKIN.
davidwalls520: MALE SISKIN.
jabba1118: My new friend….
mckenart: Heading home.
Nathalie Feld: No feathers ;-)
KingGuardian: ZZZzzzz
Nathalie Feld: Cosmic tectonics
Nathalie Feld: “Time heals all things. But if time fails, try cake.”
Nathalie Feld: Confusion
Nathalie Feld: StandWithUkraine
Nathalie Feld: Size matters! (Unit: beak length)
Bill Dreit: Domestic Geese
Lars Emil J: Glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) and Herring gull (Larus argentatus)