Claude.O: Temple de Segeste, Sicile
Claude.O: Sel à Marsala
Claude.O: Sel à Marsala
Claude.O: Trapani, 2023
Claude.O: Céramiques et Boites aux lettres Erice, Sicile
Claude.O: Grenades siciliennes
Claude.O: Le triomphe de la mort 1446, Palazzo Abatellis, Palermo
Claude.O: Palermo, 2023
Claude.O: Palazzo Butera, Palerme, 2023
Claude.O: Etourneau dans le figuier
Claude.O: Castres
Claude.O: LifeTarn à Castres
Claude.O: Lido à Castres
Paul Hamann: Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site
joanforcaruiz: 15092023-P9150187
joanforcaruiz: Attachment-1
Paul Hamann: Eastern State Penitentiary
#AAD: drollenvanger. Shitcatcher
Showboat81: Zadar, Croatia
Mani_H.: Front flowers
#AAD: the back of my OM-1
Mani_H.: The so-called "High House" in the historic center of Greetsiel (East Frisa), the former capital of East Friesland county.
Mani_H.: The so-called "High House" in the historic center of Greetsiel (East Frisa), the former capital of East Friesland county.
Mani_H.: White hydrangea in the rain (Olympus MFT).
Mani_H.: Jaguar - a motorcar legend
Mani_H.: The ravages of time.
Showboat81: Sibenik
Showboat81: Sibenik
Showboat81: Sibenik