luis costa: Chapim-de-poupa
luis costa: Gralha-preta
Alberto Guillen1: Hot Spring Day
luis costa: Charneco
luis costa: Chapim-rabilongo
Philip Rathner: This loggerhead Shrike fĺedgling was on the hunt and grabbed a Halloween pennant Dragonfly!
Philip Rathner: loggerhead Shrike Fledgling!
Philip Rathner: It was amazing and very lucky to be able to photograph this loggerhead Shrike fĺedgling snatching a Halloween pennant Dragonfly in flight!
Corriplaya: Martín gigante neotropical, Megaceryle torquata, Ringed Kingfisher
Corriplaya: Ánade anteojillo, Speculanas specularis, Spectacled Duck
Corriplaya: Ánade anteojillo, Speculanas specularis, Spectacled Duck
Corriplaya: Ánade juarjal, Lophonetta specularioides, Crested Duck
Corriplaya: Quetro volador, Tachyeres patachonicus, Flying Steamer-Duck
Corriplaya: Caracara chimango, Daptrius chimango, Chimango Caracara
Corriplaya: Caracara carancho, Caracara plancus, Crested Caracara
Philip Rathner: loggerhead Shrike fledgling!
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