aar0on: Steve Jobs
Cowgirl111: Steve Jobs
Bayani Artist: iSEE 2020 iVISION ...& B)eyond
Thomas Tissot: Steve Jobs Tribute
josu maroto: stevejobs
takato02643: SteveJobs
MiaBia_DC: The Creative Spirit Never Dies: RIP Steve Jobs
gabzillaserrano: Steve Jobs.
Village9991: Jobs Illustrated
GroovyART: steve-jobs_final
GroovyART: steve-jobs_work-in-progress_01
GroovyART: steve-jobs_work-in-progress_00
Mesq: Insanely Great!
barbaraluel: Your time is limited
Arturo Espinosa: Steve Jobs for JKPP
apellanizi: steve jobs for jKPP
Brett Jordan: Typeface
slipgrove: Steve Jobs Memorial
repkej: StevenJobs
ipad junkie: An iPad Junkie's Tribute to Steve Jobs
crosti: R.I.P. Steve Jobs
Jaaairo: Steve Jobs
Tom Pokinko: R.I.P. Steve Jobs
Pavezka: good Jobs
Kim Schuster: Steve Jobs (1958-2011)
Photo Giddy: Steve Jobs Portrait
Photo Giddy: Steve Jobs 3D Pixel Portrait - by Metin Seven
emarts.pe: RIP Steve Jobs