againandagain251: Two Buttercups
againandagain251: Bee on Foxglove
againandagain251: Buttercup
Phiggys: Toned
Mount Fuji Man: Foggy morning
Mount Fuji Man: Visibility down
againandagain251: chestnut carpet
againandagain251: bit of iron bridge
againandagain251: Iron Bridge
againandagain251: Wood and Water
Mount Fuji Man: 'Magic cloth' technique attempt 2
Mount Fuji Man: 'Magic cloth' technique attempt 1
Mount Fuji Man: The phantom bird-box builder strikes again
Mount Fuji Man: The phantom bird-box builder strikes again
Mount Fuji Man: The Wrekin from afar
Mount Fuji Man: The oak down the lane
Mount Fuji Man: English oak on the corner
Mount Fuji Man: Very cold trees
Mount Fuji Man: Good sign though it's not entirely successful
Mount Fuji Man: Frosty tree
Mount Fuji Man: Viewing the sunset over the Wrekin
Mount Fuji Man: Freedom to ramble
Mount Fuji Man: Extremes
Julie Eve: 15blogo
Julie Eve: 8sooc
Julie Eve: 1logo
Mount Fuji Man: Yes, the takeaway burger joint has reopened