Theo Rouers: 20240425_163248_[P1010659.ORF]-Verbeterd-NR
johnatkins2008: Great Egret at Dusk 25/04/24.
Theo Rouers: 20240425_165629_[P1011183.ORF]-Verbeterd-NR
Xx7trey: Plant bug (Taylorilygus)
ian ok: Male Eider
rengawfalo: Long-eared owl - Waldohreule
Anthony Mark Images: No Time to Chat, I've Got a Nest To Build!
Petr Novák (新彼得): Alcedo atthis bengalensis/Common Kingfisher/普通翠鸟/ ledňáček říční (Liuzhou, Guangxi/广西柳州) DSCN6385
Petr Novák (新彼得): Zoothera citrina/Orange-headed Thrush/橙头地鸫 8306
U.Schweizer: Storch
John David Hutchison: Great Blue Heron
U.Schweizer: Blaumeise
giselasfotos: Gisela_Nagel-Fl-1305-Schwarzhalstaucher
Andrea Kammer: AK5_7740
Barbara Evans 7: Nightingale Lucinia megarhynchos - A Nightingale Sang ....
Norm Johnson: Zebra mom and babe
Sky of Magenta: Rainbow Lorikeet
ChristDup: Mésange bleue sur branche givrée (Savoie)
dkwimages: Jumping to the tree stump
dkwimages: Keeping a careful watch
Weja 68: IMG_ Curlew
Alain-46: Milan noir - Milvus migrans - Black Kite - Schwarzmilan - Milano negro - Nibbio bruno
ChrisPy63: Coot on the nest
Camillesy: Protected
Lydia Fravel: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Pterourus glaucus) Worcester County, Maryland
Crazybittern1: Green Hairstreak.
Crazybittern1: European Hornet.
stu8fish: Muntjack