JL-CA: Ornithogale
JL-CA: En apesenteur
jangurney: DSC07105 - Hibiscus growing at the beach (Russell, Nthld, NZ)
Alberto Guillen1: Pretty In Red
JL-CA: La reine Marguerite
JL-CA: Un jardin extraordinaire
jangurney: DSC04022 - As the weather forecast for the next couple of days is not the best I thought a sunflower will brighten things up.
Alberto Guillen1: Like A Soft Melody
JL-CA: Duo
jangurney: DSC06598 - Dahlia
JL-CA: Robes immaculées
JL-CA: Plein centre
JL-CA: Muscari
JL-CA: Fleur d'abricotier
neville.growcott: Back shot of Japanese Anemone.
JL-CA: Avec un peu de soleil.
JL-CA: Vagues bleues
JL-CA: La belle bleue
JL-CA: Bien croquant
JL-CA: Camélia du Japon
JL-CA: Mini Orchidée
JL-CA: Jacinthes
neville.growcott: White Japanese Anemone
neville.growcott: Pink Japanese Anemone
neville.growcott: Rhododendron. Hot Pink.
neville.growcott: Red Magnolia
JL-CA: Jacinthes au jardin
JL-CA: Au ras du sol
jangurney: P1130041 - Mimosa tree flower