Stig Baumeyer: Leyland Petrol Tanker
Stig Baumeyer: Traffic School Vehicle
brooklandsspeedway: More trees have been planted along the stream
brooklandsspeedway: Better hay bales and rolls of hay are now at the farm
brooklandsspeedway: HO Scale Carousel
brooklandsspeedway: Strobes under the roof
brooklandsspeedway: It does rotate, and some of the horses go up and down too
brooklandsspeedway: Building the Carousel kit
Flikrman Gaz: 7752 on the turntable at Brunswych
Lothar Heller: Miniaturwelten_240424_1
brooklandsspeedway: Along the main straight
brooklandsspeedway: Negotiating a towing bill
brooklandsspeedway: In discussion outside the Hotel Train Yard
brooklandsspeedway: The plantings are starting to take hold at Muhlencrest College
brooklandsspeedway: Looking past the esses to the parking underpass
brooklandsspeedway: Looks like someone broke down
Stig Baumeyer: SJ litra F no.700 - Jeco
Stig Baumeyer: SJ litra Du no.365 - Jeco
Stig Baumeyer: SJ litra Hg no.660 - Jeco
1/87 (H0) Mini Models, Dioramas: Saurer 2DM + Swiss knife
brooklandsspeedway: Track overview on Cinco De Mayo, 2020
brooklandsspeedway: Now I need someone sitting on the fire escape
brooklandsspeedway: Looking over the speedway to the hotel
brooklandsspeedway: A few more details, and then on to my next project
brooklandsspeedway: The Hotel Train Yard towers over the adjacent blocks
brooklandsspeedway: Now for just the final details, then to move it to the platform