R~P~M: Windsor & Eton Central
R~P~M: Windsor & Eton Central
vdgoltz: Lübecker Dom mit Lettner und Kirchenuhr
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_2192
claudiopompeo: As Time Goes By - Happy New Year
tedesco57: Charles Wade's largest clock, and silk spinning equipment at Snowshill Manor NT
tedesco57: Blenheim Palace, Great hall clock
OscarCrookshank: Tempus Fujiting
tedesco57: Grandfather Clock, Polesden Lacey NT
Stabbur's Master: Fort Christian - St. Thomas
Stabbur's Master: Fort Christian - St. Thomas
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_1948
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_1858
Stabbur's Master: Christiansted National Historic Site
Stabbur's Master: Fort Christian - St. Thomas
Stabbur's Master: Fort Christian - St. Thomas
rgsprin: Bright Ideas? Or Just Time for a Beer?
Stabbur's Master: Rothenburg - Galgengasse
Stabbur's Master: Rothenburg - White Tower and Judentanzhaus
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_3038
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_2994
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_2986
R~P~M: Whitby Clock 2
R~P~M: Whitby Clock 2
leo.roos: Time
raaen99: Time is Hungry
thomas.armstrong: Aduana Clock
R~P~M: Truro
thomas.armstrong: Three minus Six
R~P~M: PMH Clock