custombase: ZEO V RED
custombase: ZEO II YELLOW
custombase: ZEO IV GREEN
custombase: ZEO I PINK
custombase: ZEO III BLUE
custombase: Alien shootout
custombase: An explosive end to this illegal activity
custombase: A rare behind the scenes shot
custombase: In the most dangerous part of town, a dodgy arms deal takes place.
custombase: HALT! S.P.D
custombase: The devastation of Drakkons dagger
custombase: Black out
custombase: Trouble in the mountains
custombase: Attack in Angel Grove Park
custombase: Zordon look at the viewing globe. One of Rita's monsters is attacking Angel Grove Park
custombase: Ranger down
custombase: Tommy takes them down
custombase: Call forth the Dragon Zord
custombase: Green Ranger : Dragonzord
mc5278: 20190525_161157
custombase: Call forth the Pterodactyl dinozord
custombase: Pink Ranger : Pterodactyl
custombase: Blue Ranger :Triceratops
custombase: Call forth the Triceratops dinozord
custombase: Billy outnumbered
custombase: Yellow Ranger: Sabertooth tiger
custombase: Call forth the Sabertooth tiger dinozord (Yeah I know the teeth are in the wrong position)
custombase: Call forth the Mastodon dinozord
custombase: The Black ranger Mastodon
custombase: Power Rangers GO!