micky the pixel: Schweizer Briefmarken
Thor Hakonsen: Megophrys cf.major
micky the pixel: Lisa Wenger / Das blaue Märchenbuch
Traumflieger_Foto: Teichfrosch
blondinrikard: Edible frog, Pelophylax kl. esculentus, Ätlig groda
blondinrikard: Edible frog, Pelophylax kl. esculentus, Ätlig groda
blondinrikard: Edible frog, Pelophylax kl. esculentus, Ätlig groda
cooliceblue: Yoga frog close up ... 201 of 366
ruthlesscrab: Frogs, frogs, frogs!
Luís Louro: Granular Glass Frog
micky the pixel: frogs and dwarfs
micky the pixel: Frankenstein #12 / 6
michèle 69600: Grenouille à la plume
micky the pixel: Fix und Foxi #393
micky the pixel: Fliegende Blätter / Band CXXIII / Bild 77
micky the pixel: Solothurn
Prince Prestige Photos: splendid tree frog.jpg
Thor Hakonsen: Pelobates balcanicus
ruthlesscrab: Ha mongo/Bargon wan chee kospah ol Jedi
Thor Hakonsen: Rana dalmatina
Selina Mochrie: Guttural Toad from above (Sclerophrys gutturalis)
Selina Mochrie: Guttural Toad (Sclerophrys gutturalis)
Selina Mochrie: Guibes Grass Frog (Ptychadena guibei)
Selina Mochrie: Marbled Reed Frog (Hyperolius marmoratus)
micky the pixel: Jimpy, der Zauberlehrling #2
HGHjim: Green-and-black Poison Dart Frog - Dendrobates auratus
ricardo00: Mantella baroni frog
ricardo00: Madagascar tree frog
ricardo00: file-eared tree frog