Wooway1: Cavalry Ausmarsch
Wooway1: 51 Reserve Division at Verdun
Wooway1: Sopwith Pup 66 Squadron
Kees Kort Collection: The Rumpler G.II (Ru 5 A 16) twin-engined bomber which was moderately successful [Germany, 1916]
Wooway1: Winter Camouflage
Wooway1: Polizeihundestelle
Jvpi: Oberstleutnant Julius Friedrich Wilhelm Hilmar von Bernuth, Commander of the Marine-Infanterie-Regiment Nr.3
Jvpi: Leutnant Alexander Friedrich Georg Graf von Platen-Hallermund of the Leibgendarmerie 2nd Platoon
Jvpi: Oberstleutnant Julius Friedrich Wilhelm Hilmar von Bernuth, Commander of the Marine-Infanterie-Regiment Nr.3
Wooway1: Death Crash
Jvpi: Oberstleutnant a. D. Conrad Hoffmann in the Uniform of Military Cabinet
Jvpi: Polizei-Hauptmann Adolf Hugo Paul Schmidt of the Berliner Schutzmannschaft
Jvpi: Feldwebel-Sergeant Karl Schmidt of the Prussian Schloßgarde-Kompanie
Jvpi: Feldwebel-Sergeant Karl Schmidt of the Prussian Schloßgarde-Kompanie
Wooway1: Target Practice
Kees Kort Collection: The Fokker M 9 an ill fated experimental twin-engined biplane with a crew of three [Germany, 1915]
Der deutsche Soldat von 1860 bis 1918: Unbenannte Pionier Einheit
Jvpi: Hauptmann Maximilian Freiherr von Stoltzenberg of the General Staff as Personal Adjutant to Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia
Jvpi: Hauptmann Maximilian Freiherr von Stoltzenberg of the General Staff as Personal Adjutant to Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia
Jvpi: Musikmeister of the Infanterie-Regiment Graf Barfuß (4. Westfälisches) Nr. 17
Jvpi: Degenfähnrich in the 8. Württembergische Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 126 Großherzog Friedrich von Baden
Kees Kort Collection: A Rumpler C.IV two-seater reconnaissance biplane which was captured by the French forces and repainted in French colours [Germany, 1916]
Der deutsche Soldat von 1860 bis 1918: Ausmarschfoto von 2 Infanteristen
Der deutsche Soldat von 1860 bis 1918: Ausmarschfoto eines Badischen Infanteristen
Der deutsche Soldat von 1860 bis 1918: Rast ( Foto ohne jegliche Information)
Jvpi: Major Karl von Katzler of the 5. Badisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 113
Jvpi: Major Karl von Katzler of the 5. Badisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 113
Jvpi: Leutnant of the Garde-Reserve-Pionier-Regiment
Jvpi: Leutnant of the Kaiser Alexander Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr.1
Jvpi: Leutnant of the Kaiser Alexander Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr.1