Seamingly Simple: Tomatoes again!
Seamingly Simple: Dehydrated celery
Seamingly Simple: Grape jelly from Coronation grapes
Seamingly Simple: Pickled cucumbers, zucchini, and carrots
Seamingly Simple: Tomato canning
Seamingly Simple: Apple season canning
kdstutzman: Pickles!
Seamingly Simple: Rhubarb wine
Seamingly Simple: A Peck of Pickles
Seamingly Simple: Pickled vegetables
Seamingly Simple: "Sundried" tomatoes - halved cherry tomatoes dried in the dehydrator
Seamingly Simple: Green tomato mincemeat
Seamingly Simple: Pickled carrots with garlic & dill
wyld lil: Strawberry Jam
nogrodsmithy: We canned a batch of tomatoes today.
Seamingly Simple: Fermented sauerkraut using "pickle pipe" and "pickle pebble"
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: This #icecreamshop #candystore also sells 3 racks of #loosetea including #organic #teas like #catnip #nettle & #crampbark.
Seamingly Simple: Serrano pepper jelly
Seamingly Simple: Apple pie filling and applesauce
nogrodsmithy: The first batch of canned anything from the garden this year... banana peppers.
Seamingly Simple: Rhubarb pie filling
Seamingly Simple: Unbelievable.
Seamingly Simple: Yellow zucchini bread & butter pickles
nogrodsmithy: Canning ginger
Seamingly Simple: Sweet pickled pumpkin
steamboatwillie33: Pumpkin Butter...
Seamingly Simple: Serrano pepper jelly
Seamingly Simple: Dehydrated potatoes and a jar of scalloped potato mix
Seamingly Simple: Mincemeat: when life gives you lots of little green tomatoes