Jakza: gota
VegasBnR: Normal
Read2me: Purple Bell
Jakza: caminhantes
beautiful.betty18: wildflowers
VegasBnR: Complicated
StarlightHope: Families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.
VegasBnR: Lost
beautiful.betty18: bee on pride of madeira
StarlightHope: That warm feeling isn't just the Christmas spirit. I think you left the oven on.
Read2me: Moves on 5th Avenue
beautiful.betty18: purple cauli
Read2me: Stroll
justtakenpictures: Stainless Perch
justtakenpictures: Fishing Pole
buddhadog: Jeff -:- 114
Américo Meira: Já é de noite
Américo Meira: Fila do fim
stumpsaver: Tain Pottery
StarlightHope: Remembrance of the past - 2nd edition.
Jakza: contraluz
beautiful.betty18: heart of lotus
beautiful.betty18: salamander
buddhadog: Willamette Garden Flower -:- 6226
MIgracionTOtal: roofs in Belgirate
buddhadog: Wild Flowers in a Square
StarlightHope: The Summer night is like a perfection of thought.
MIgracionTOtal: today in Hamburg