isa 11: North and South Finland meeting from Dollart (FI)
eagle1effi: Autoverkehr wird doppelt belastet. Kaleidoskop
A Yen for Phantoms: ears cupping mercies
ladybumblebee: bird on a branch
isa 11: Neckarsulm Meetup 24.02.24 from Utelia and Espritpapeterie (DE)
isa 11: MX-72823
A Yen for Phantoms: The Merits of Silence
paco.weaving: Paris Sepia #3
paco.weaving: 3 Bikes Abstract
paco.weaving: SILVERWARE 101
paco.weaving: 60's Café 202
David P Klein art: My artwork
ladybumblebee: victorian woman
A Yen for Phantoms: the sun seeds a sickle and a scythe
augustfranks: Abstact art collage
David P Klein art: My artwork from my past.
paco.weaving: Wood & Metal
David P Klein art: My artwork from the past.
A Yen for Phantoms: all they want is your money
ladybumblebee: victorian lady
maryateresa2001: collage ruota
eagle1effi: Collage Marilyn Monroe