jjes84: 220826142807717
jjes84: 210208183142
jjes84: 210208181114
jjes84: 210208181712
greensteves: Lassen Fire Aftermath
D70: Green electricity from wind turbines
mikecogh: Windmill and Logs
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: The Aswan High Dam, Egypt.
Bill 4.5 Million views: 4414 Bennett Road
Rab .: Not a Drop of Water anywhere, But There Irragation Works Great and Never Droughts, Shame Uk cant be the Same.
Barnsley Victor: 13th September 2018. Alderman's Hill and Dove Stone Reservoir, Greenfield, Greater Manchester
Funny Cyclist: Lullingstone Castle Garden 22-08-09 (3)r
Steve Dewey: The Golden Country Kingdom 1
AnaVelaRubio: Drought
grumpypop51: High and dry.
grumpypop51: Hard times.
Buddy Patrick: Save the Murray-Darling! (Menindee, Far West New South Wales)
David Redfearn: Autumn dry
Bill 4.5 Million views: Mt. Tolmie Drought Conditions
Austin7nut: Hastings Countryside
Austin7nut: King Country landscape in drought conditions
Can Pac Swire: (Mini) Desert storm in Toronto
D70: Cattle eating paulownia tree leaves in New Zealand
pin2023: Pantà de Sau
John's Photo Philosophy: To you who fought the wilderness through rough unsettled years
Jokertrekker: In the Autumn Drought
s2art: Borung, Victoria, Australia. 2019-10-18 17:00:01
CanadaGood: Gravelbourg Early Harvest 20210802_115352 21-DSCN0010
Anthony Tomlin: The Nicomekl River
D70: Devils Corner