M00k: Verbeke foundation
Claudine Daemen: Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke
leo.roos: Bottle Wall, 2008, Jan Henderikse
Claudine Daemen: Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke
cfhvs: Open space, open function (2010)
cfhvs: Dome (2008)
cfhvs: Bottle Wall (2008)
Claudine Daemen: Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke
cfhvs: Oblivion Express (1)
M00k: catching the light
M00k: my world
M00k: the experiment
leo.roos: AR...T MACHT FREI, 2002, Happy Famous Artists
leo.roos: En Cas d’empoisonnement, Installation, 1993, Art Orienté Objet
leo.roos: Toevallige sokkel voor Girolama Savonarola, 2019-2020, Koen Deprez
leo.roos: Eye of the helicopter
leo.roos: Gesamt vs kunstwerk, Eric van Hove
leo.roos: Artchive for the Future, 2010, Jacobus Kloppenburg
leo.roos: Is it alien? Is it alive? Is it an egg? No, it's a Blob!
leo.roos: Helden van de Grote Paradox, 1987, Raphaël Opstaele
leo.roos: Concrete Evidence: 1m, 2013, Lodewijk Heylen
leo.roos: 1584 La lumière Cistercienne Baudelo Gent, 2016, Marinus Boezem
leo.roos: Belly, 2014, Louis de Cordier