samitra64: When you are feeling down...REMEMBER there's others far worse off....Remembering UKRAINE!!
Patrick Leveque: Solidarité.
IainCameron: No military target here but Russia attacks and kills civilians of Ukraine
$€¥ƒ\AЯT#: Talentscouting an der Alten Pinakothek
Studio d'Xavier: Formules
Brigitte "Tatie Clic": Hautefage-la-Tour, un village entouré de plaines resplendissantes
$€¥ƒ\AЯT#: Banksy life an der Naabmündung: 2385 km bis zur Ukraine
Brigitte "Tatie Clic": Quand on se promène au bord de l'eau
Henna K.: Sunflowers
Larry Barnes LB9: Can I come stay 2
EmmanuelBuriez: zelenski k.o poutine
IainCameron: Putin's attack on the theatre in Chenihiv is despicable - where is the military target?
Loco Steve: Art Message....
lynn smith: Tax agent & accountant (sort of)
$€¥ƒ\AЯT#: Infana ĝojo en ludejo
$€¥ƒ\AЯT#: Dreh wie ein Rädele flink dich im Tanz! Fliegen die Zöpfele, wirbelt der Kranz.
Diney Pau: STOP
Jazz Sandoval: Geometría diagonal. Arrecife, noviembre 2010.
Michael Westdickenberg: Ehemaliges Militärgelände / Former Military Property
Herschell Hershey: Stop Putin, free Ukraine rally, Trafalgar Square, London
Herschell Hershey: Glory To Ukraine
Michael Westdickenberg: Ort der Kapitulation / Place of unconditional surrender
IainCameron: Even more atrosities by Russia in Ukraine
$€¥ƒ\AЯT#: Break Down The Wall!
Herschell Hershey: Russians join demonstration in support of Ukraine
wwnorm: a shot from todays town parade