Bumbus: Cliffs of Moher 01
albert.herbigneaux1: Material for the nest ,Mouette rieuse, Black headed gull
De carrusel: Esta vez dejadme ser feliz, nada ha pasado a nadie, no estoy en parte alguna, sucede solamente que soy feliz por los cuatro costados del corazón, andando, durmiendo o escribiendo.
uwe20: Lissabon: Die Eroberer
stepanov9: Bridge in Staritsa over the Volga River
MaOrI1563: Bee on clover flower
Francis Minini (On-Off): Chinchote Macho....
booster90017: Heading back Home
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7 M views): Flowers in the garden, Rosa canina
dimounet: Massif des Écrins
Francis Minini (On-Off): Playon de Bayas..
ralftengel: Mohnblumen 2
amletolauretti: COSTA BASCA HDR1
catherine.zinsky711: _CLZ8860-001
Eleanor (On and off): Thursday`s Flowers
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7 M views): Cuapetes ischiospinosus, Shrimpbeauty
Crystal~apple: IMG_7171
Luiz Lapa: Toutinegra-de-barrete-preto, macho, Eurasian Blackcap, male
Weja 68: IMG_Common ringed plover
profdariocolombo: Femmina-di-codirosso-spazzacamino-in-inverno-
Alain Chauvin: The juniper tree
hbp_pix: Anhinga