RobertDicks2: Testing close-up of the X100F
RobertDicks2: My wife is happy.
RobertDicks2: Mundane, mundane, mundane
RobertDicks2: Costco delivery
RobertDicks2: Switched from a pour-over cup to a Keurig today
RobertDicks2: Anyone want to see our kitchen?
RobertDicks2: Man forced to use kids' Spider-man bowl
RobertDicks2: Dessert is ready.
RobertDicks2: Getting ready for breakfast in the morning
RobertDicks2: Same breakfast every day for years
RobertDicks2: Crappy overhead kitchen lights shoot Valentine's Day tulip
otra viqui: permanecer
RobertDicks2: Macro on the cheap
RobertDicks2: The Christmas & holiday snacks are almost gone
RobertDicks2: Mundane photography for my own amusement and pleasure
RobertDicks2: My fave bread, nan, for lunch. Yes, I use butter.
RobertDicks2: My lunch at ISO 6400
RobertDicks2: Gee, this is never fun.
otra viqui: raíces
RobertDicks2: Fuji Classic Negative simulation does muted but great colors
RobertDicks2: The amount of butter my children left me for breakfast.
RobertDicks2: This kitchen utensil keeps staring at me.
RobertDicks2: Pouring olive oil without spilling?
RobertDicks2: Coronavirus boredom leads to a pic of junk on the kitchen counter
ellenbouckaert: De Twins boenen het zilver...
ellenbouckaert: Our kitchen...
ellenbouckaert: Our kitchen, wet part...
ellenbouckaert: Our kitchen, cooking part...
ellenbouckaert: Afwas...