sdttds: DSC_1008_Western tiger swallowtail
sdttds: DSC_0998_Two bees and a cone-flower
eclectico63: thankful for azaleas providing early season nectar for our bees
sdttds: DSC_0041_Female Valley carpenter bee on Jerusalem sage
Doriane Boilly Photographie: du bleu comme je l 'aime le bleu
sdttds: DSC_2274_Bumblebee
sdttds: DSC_1283_Honeybee on ceanothus
sdttds: DSC_1252_honeybee on lavender
Zach Hawn: Western Hornet Fly
Zach Hawn: Narrow-headed Marsh Fly
Zach Hawn: Narrow-headed Marsh Fly
Zach Hawn: Cuckoo Leafcutter Bee
Zach Hawn: Cuckoo Leafcutter Bee
sdttds: DSC_1054_Another early honeybee
sdttds: DSC_1040_First honeybee of 2022
sdttds: IMG_9567_Honeybee on chive blossoms
eclectico63: last call for pollinators
eclectico63: last call for pollinators
sdttds: IMG_8097_Bee fly (Lordotus zona?) on purple flower
Doriane Boilly Photographie: Coquine son charme enivre
sdttds: DSC_4478_Mountain carpenter bee feasting on lavender
sdttds: DSC_0452_Hoverfly on pink flower
eclectico63: creating a home for many…
sdttds: DSC_0377_Honeybee & Carpenter Bee Sharing a Passionflower
eclectico63: all the pretty little things…
eclectico63: Golden pollination