TimVo: Wilson's Snipe
TimVo: Short-eared Owl at Ridgefield NWR
TimVo: Lincoln's Sparrow
TimVo: Short-eared Owl
p81photo: Light of mushroom
p81photo: The big tree
p81photo: On the way
p81photo: Take a break…
p81photo: Sleeping snail
p81photo: sheep
p81photo: Suddenly
p81photo: Big foot...
mambiso: Lulu Appears
p81photo: „Geborgen in Eiche“
p81photo: Monastery Birkeneck with frost
p81photo: Russenbrücke - Russianbridge
p81photo: Autumn at the canal
p81photo: Human and nature
p81photo: Castle Lustheim
p81photo: Some big grass
p81photo: Some trees
cyderr82: Tree in fog
cyderr82: Fog and smoke
cyderr82: Morning fog and smoke
cyderr82: Smoke, not fog
cyderr82: Smoke, not fog II
cyderr82: Hummingbird
cyderr82: Scrub Jay 2
cyderr82: Scrub Jay