ejbSF: American Kestrel
Bob Gunderson: Pelagic Cormorant
ejbSF: Otto contemplates dinner
Bob Gunderson: Willet with lunch
Bob Gunderson: Black Oystercatcher - Stylish, with the black toenails
ejbSF: Walking SF Bay
ABCrowther: Bird On A Wire
Bob Gunderson: Caspian Tern
ejbSF: Meadowlark
ejbSF: Great egret
ejbSF: House finch
ejbSF: Great Blue Heron
Bob Gunderson: Black-bellied Plover
Bob Gunderson: Red-throated Loon
Bob Gunderson: Spotted Sandpiper
Bob Gunderson: Savannah Sparrow
ejbSF: Otto and the geese
ejbSF: Avocets (5 March 14)
ejbSF: Cormorant guarding Heron's Head (5 March 14)
ejbSF: Heron's Head (15 Feb 2014)
Bob Gunderson: Black Oystercatchers
ejbSF: Bees (8 September 2013)
ejbSF: French broom, Heron's Head, SF (10 June 13)
ejbSF: Stumphenge at Heron's Head (7 August 13)
ejbSF: Snowy and Great Egrets fishing (30 June 13)
ejbSF: Cormorant, flying west (10 June 11)
ejbSF: American avocets (24 April 13)
ejbSF: Helicopters over Heron's Head (1 April 13)
ejbSF: Containers with gull and pigeons (28 March 13)
Bob Gunderson: Black Oystercatcher