David Darricau: Working place (aragonit)
Esetoscano: Como un jardín vertical. Like a vertical garden.
Derbyshire Harrier: Into The Blue Zone
Derbyshire Harrier: Curtains Forming "Explored"
Derbyshire Harrier: Copper Blues
Derbyshire Harrier: The Paddy End Vein
tex.the.naturalist: sweet boulder
subarcticmike: Asteroid tsunami in Gunflint iron formation
subarcticmike: Pass the Salt
Lilian Alizert: Garniérite - Dumbéa - Nouvelle-Calédonie
Lilian Alizert: Fuchsite - Col d'Amos (Nouvelle-Calédonie)
tex.the.naturalist: five fish in one slab! But can I get it out...?
Derbyshire Harrier: Sulphur Crystals
tex.the.naturalist: Castile Formation
David Darricau: Prehnite and landscape
David Darricau: Demantoid and quartz
David Darricau: Grenat démantoïde
tex.the.naturalist: Thundereggs in a boulder
David Darricau: Dolomite in situ
Lakerdog: lake superior agate
Henri Koskinen: Zeolites in situ in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote
Henri Koskinen: Zeolites in situ in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote
Henri Koskinen: Zeolites in situ in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote