digitaleffie: IMG_0892
digitaleffie: IMG_0891
digitaleffie: IMG_0889
digitaleffie: IMG_0886
Townerson: Les Skelettes
-*Miss*-: Items found during the renovation of the USS Hornet
crouchingbadger: Oxford Journal October 1975
sal de mar: poetry (bad)
neshachan: Christian Camp
anitajuneparker: wallpaper emerging from under drywall
megankhines: land of lakes pale, dry beer
ems18: Pomological Journal
benmiller23: "please! no talking during Poetry Reading"
KimberlyGrey: days before vaccinations.
encarna: In the walls: hidden treasure
anitajuneparker: Apr20_found in house Kroger wrapper left
anitajuneparker: Found Bild-a-Set Airplane decals 1944
anitajuneparker: Demo2 found in the attic floorboards
anitajuneparker: Beer Bottle Noch_Eins 2
anitajuneparker: Found in house Linden Dry Cleaning coupon
Lelonopo: Henry Dengels Membership Card
Lelonopo: postcard from hawaii
Lelonopo: 1917 Found in the Walls of our Kitchen
Lelonopo: Solly Burke wore purple tights
larry wfu: 1950's newspaper