ems18: Miscellaneous 2012-2013 079
ems18: Miscellaneous 2012-2013 077
ems18: Miscellaneous 2012-2013 074
ems18: Miscellaneous 2012-2013 072
ems18: Miscellaneous 2012-2013 073
ems18: Miscellaneous 2012-2013 070
ems18: Miscellaneous 2012-2013 024
ems18: Miscellaneous 2012-2013 022
ems18: Miscellaneous 2012-2013 021
ems18: Wooden Moose (Moosewood?)
ems18: Moose and Squirrel
ems18: Borestone Mountain from Sebec Lake, by canoe, August 2013
ems18: Approaching Buck's Cove
ems18: Borestone Mountain again
ems18: One of the islands in Buck's cove
ems18: Another island
ems18: Same island, closer shot
ems18: Buck's falls
ems18: Buck's falls
ems18: Buck's Falls
ems18: Upper cascade again
ems18: Upper Cascade, close shot
ems18: More water detail
ems18: Water detail, close shot
ems18: At the base of the upper cascade
ems18: Buck's Falls, detail shot #1
ems18: Last one
ems18: Another take
ems18: Downstream view from the main falls
ems18: Peaks-Kenny State Park, evening