Alligator427.67: La petite pâtissière...
Alligator427.67: A la sortie du tunnel...
Alligator427.67: La petite Naïade...
Alligator427.67: Une bonne baignade
Alligator427.67: Les parapluies de Strasbourg...
Alligator427.67: La petite pâtissière attentive...
avery1321: A carnival game for kids: toss a roll of toilet paper into the toilet.
avery1321: Putting all his muscles into a mighty effort trying to ring the bell at a 4th of July carnival.
avery1321: The ever-popular "thow a ball at the trarget and the girl falls into a tank of water." Independence Day kids carnival.
Alligator427.67: Les jumeaux de l'étang...
Alligator427.67: Coucou ! Les grenouilles !
avery1321: It's obvious. She is tying her shoes.
Alligator427.67: Rencontre sur le port... (version NB)
Alligator427.67: Rencontre sur le port...
avery1321: Youngest kids in tennis summer camp spend a lot of time picking up balls hit in every direction.
avery1321: A new bike and Mom is taking no chances. Junior wears a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards with Mom by his side.
avery1321: Stop pulling daddy's hair!
avery1321: A nice smile from a young girl to an old man.
CCTeasley784: Child of the Island of Fakarava, French Polynesia II-171
slow traffic right fist broken&1/10 blurred vision: P1220031 (2) - FESTIVAL TROPICAL PARIS 2022
avery1321: A couple of years ago visitors to swinging South Street, Philadelphia, had to eat outdoors.
Alligator427.67: Innocence...
avery1321: Little patriots wait for parade.
Alligator427.67: A vélo...
slow traffic right fist broken&1/10 blurred vision: P1220016 (4) - FESTIVAL TROPICAL PARIS 2022
Alligator427.67: Très lointaine retraite, trop lointaine retraite...
Alligator427.67: Premières neiges
avery1321: A ittle guy has fun in "Three Bears Park" in Philadelphia.
Alligator427.67: La première dent...
Alligator427.67: Premières neiges...