Piotr Jaworski: Paimbœuf 44
LupaImages: On Getting Lost
LupaImages: Stark Beauty
LupaImages: Tree Man
Piotr Jaworski: training-1
Piotr Jaworski: Ecluse Saint-Nazaire
fforfabrizio: Keats and Yeats are on your side
Liz Pe: 086/365 Hay días en que la luz me habla al oído para hacerse notar.
fforfabrizio: Take me for a walk
Piotr Jaworski: Hobbyton
fforfabrizio: There is a crack, a crack in everything That's how the light gets in
fforfabrizio: Dry Your Eyes
fforfabrizio: The days are getting older
a.c.thomas: from a dark road
fforfabrizio: luci della centrale elettrica
a.c.thomas: time was
fforfabrizio: La magia della noia
fforfabrizio: (s)velate alberature
fforfabrizio: Playground
fforfabrizio: It might be over soon
fforfabrizio: The Colour in Anything
fforfabrizio: Another shade, another shadow
fforfabrizio: To see your smile
fforfabrizio: Casa sulla diga