arkansas traveler: IMG_8574 Playing His Instrument (but not in the marching band) 5-29-10
arkansas traveler: IMG_6012 Rosemite 6-9-09
Big Warby: Web of intrigue .....
arkansas traveler: DSCN0021 Having a Pink Snack 6-13-06
arkansas traveler: IMG_9103 Hairy Globe Trotter 7-25-11
Big Warby: The triple lock in cobwebs .....
Big Warby: Floating fading rosehip or small weird alien spaceship maybe .....
Big Warby: Red berries .....
Big Warby: Autumn leaves in our garden .....
Ted_Roger_Karson: 52724 Swallowtail Butterfly IMG_6880
arkansas traveler: IMG_8739 Call the Plumber 7-21-11
JMS2: Green Leaf
Big Warby: Backlit late summer leaves .....
JMS2: make a wish
arkansas traveler: IMG_6813 Shortly Before He Became a Lady 6-2-20
arkansas traveler: IMG_6181 Just a Little Devil 6-3-17
JMS2: Charm
Big Warby: Just a few hasty repairs made .....
arkansas traveler: IMG_7276 Becky's Garden Gnome10-2-13
Big Warby: Yellow window frame needing some urgent renovation .....
Big Warby: The crinkle-cut rock walls of Holyhead .....
Ron Buening: Mydas Fly
arkansas traveler: IMG_4759 At the Start of the Race 5-31-09
Big Warby: Red rusting iron mooring ring .....
Big Warby: Raindrops keep falling .....
Ron Buening: Daily Forage
arkansas traveler: IMG_8880 Whatever You Do, Don't Push Her Button 6-27-09
Wes Iversen: Face To Face...