Kyle Ethan Wall: Han shot FIRST
jayallen: Too many possible captions...
John Rohrbach: Coordination
found_drama: the footnotes are on his butt
Daniel Pasco: tempest
swizzlevixen: Gruber: Don’t Panic
tedSeverson: Gruber's Lonely (Shit) Sandwich
disassociated_: gruber-why-so-serious
davelawrence8: Gruber for Hire
chrisclark: Let's Put Gruber To Work
plusplus: let's put gruber to (let's put gruber to work)
Sean Sperte: Desperation Takes Many Forms
raminf: You tell me...
raminf: Guess you had to be there
Anthony Piraino: 2001: Gruber's Odyssey
Dianne Learned: Man, why do I keep getting this error?
Frodnorg: Use protection
John Moltz: Auteur
scott unrein: Kindle Killer
monkyhead: the boat ride
blanco: Where by ...
richard.leaf: Always Watching
reipaki: Gruber doin' work
robmaurizi: So, THAT's How He Does It!
Tom Carmony: Desperation