chrisclark: Who invented shampoo anyway?
chrisclark: Why, what are you doing on New Year's Eve?
chrisclark: Drunkass.
chrisclark: Stupid Superman hair keeps trying to make itself known.
chrisclark: JESUS CHRISP
chrisclark: DON'T YOU MISS ME??
chrisclark: So sue me, I didn't bring gym clothes on this trip and I need my fitpoints.
chrisclark: OH GOD THE IRONY*
chrisclark: Experiment
chrisclark: Corona Heights Panorama
chrisclark: Yo dawgs
chrisclark: Happy Birthday to Me
chrisclark: Guardians of the Threshold
chrisclark: My social security number is A45
chrisclark: On a Clear Day
chrisclark: Design Unlikely Futures
chrisclark: Go girl
chrisclark: Recycle Frog wants your cans.
chrisclark: Geese on Granville
chrisclark: Explodey Ice
chrisclark: Window sill lawn
chrisclark: Internet tethering at the beach
chrisclark: Vancouver's real purty in the Spring
chrisclark: One Last Beard Photo
chrisclark: My iPhone (not jailbroken) on T-Mobile and tethering. The benefits of being Canadian.
chrisclark: Caution: This Tape Is A Tripping Hazard