lowellsimonsen: House Finch
yvescourt123: Bernache du Canada !
rogerjoubertcourtier: Pygargue à tête blanche
yvescourt123: Carouge à épaulettes !
ecwillet: bald eagle
mjeedelbr: Horned Grebe
lowellsimonsen: Singing House Finch
Sunsades: Black-bellied Plover
Sunsades: Black-bellied Plover
Sharon Cunio: Soaking up the early morning sun.
rogerjoubertcourtier: Sittelle à poitrine rousse
yvescourt123: Brant chanteur !
John David Hutchison: Barred Owl mid morning under the canopy.
alanc27: Gliding Gannet
yvescourt123: Carouge à épaulettes !
Mary Wardell: 2024-04-23 Who are you????
yvescourt123: Balbuzard pêcheur !
Sunsades: Black Skimmer
Sunsades: Sanderling
Sunsades: Willet
yvescourt123: Couple de Colverts, petite querelle !
micky the pixel: Briefmarke / Frankreich
John David Hutchison: Greater Yellow Leggs
alanc27: Northern Fulmar (Fulmaris glasialis)
yvescourt123: -Grèbe à bec bigarré !