mzihizlk10: Elephant youngsters at play
Uli Assmann: Always stay relaxed
Patricia Pennetier: White Rhino Family | Ol Pejeta, Kenya
mzihizlk10: Brawn
Patricia Pennetier: The King | Ol Pejeta, Kenya
Patricia Pennetier: Black Rhino | Ol Pejeta, Kenya
Patricia Pennetier: Young Buffalo | Ol Pejeta, Kenya
mzihizlk10: Elephant and her Egret groupies
mzihizlk10: Here comes the tusker
Kenyan Traveller: Wallowing Buffalo
Kenyan Traveller: Angry african buffalo
mzihizlk10: Mom and cub
brainstorm1984: Afrikanischer Elefant / African bush elephant
Mamie Sur: J11-J-Lionne Grande Fatigue-110823
mzihizlk10: Nightly prowl
Nicolas Hoizey: Elephants grazing in Amboseli swamps
mzihizlk10: Cape buffalo
mzihizlk10: Elephant youngsters at play
brainstorm1984: Löwe / Lion "Olepolos"
:.. Robin Explore ..:: Feeding Elephant
mzihizlk10: Lion pride
. Ray in Manila: African Bush Elephant Family, Amboseli National Park
mzihizlk10: Mom under siege
mzihizlk10: Sunset procession
mzihizlk10: Bumming a ride
mzihizlk10: The mighty bull
mzihizlk10: Lion cubs
:.. Robin Explore ..:: Leading the Herd