retiredNpoor: Pandemic solution
retiredNpoor: "Dodged Bullet" ...this time
retiredNpoor: "The wilderness and the waterless region will exult, and the desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron"
retiredNpoor: "Mama Knows Where I Am" (poem)
Counselman Collection: Narrow Cramped Tight Road
Counselman Collection: Grits, Cornbread, and Survival in Virginia
retiredNpoor: "New Each Morning"
retiredNpoor: Gracing the Bride
retiredNpoor: "then night would be light.."
retiredNpoor: "Give us This Day..." (Matt.6:11)
Counselman Collection: Our lovely family in the Chicago area
retiredNpoor: All about the Heart...
retiredNpoor: "By This All Will know That You Are My Disciples...."
ellesse70: Samson and Delilah
ellesse70: cast
retiredNpoor: Israel, Egypt and America...united by love
ellesse70: conference hall
ellesse70: kingdom hall
ellesse70: Scene: What is true love
ellesse70: Scene: What is true love
ellesse70: Scene: What is true love