raafi.rivero: Wiffle triptych
mhale0: IMG_8335
chailey: Day 4: Me in the castle, day trip to Heidelberg
BWJones: My nephew in his Daring Fireball t-shirt.
BWJones: Well, can't buy a Totally Tubular® Mac Pro yet, but this did just arrive.
jbryantmanning: Heather DF shirt
jballer.com: Merlin and Me
safesolvent: The Crater
safesolvent: Olympus Mons
BWJones: Nervous...
gothick_matt: Fireballed
Drummertist: Daring Fireball Groove
BWJones: It's Secret Agent DF, off to get coffee!
andrewsho: #Fireballed!
steveharris: #4A525Ahole
superpantoufle: Takalyde - Fête de la musique 2012 - Morges, Switzerland
davidfry: Self portrait
Editor B: B & Xy on TLC
@ayn: #4A525Aholes
Rick Scully: Chris Enjoying the View
Rick Scully: Chris & Rick Drink at McGuillicuddy's
Dhowells: Darning fireball
pberry: Note: This was before the rum tasting
jsnell: In the desert
jsnell: In the desert
Fuzzy Gerdes: On the roof of our hotel, Istanbul
DecemberBee: Burping the Baby in Style