femalejockeys: cassidy 3
esperandieu: 2020-02-23 東京11R フェブラリーステークス 12-モズアスコット&クリストフ・ルメール、ウィニングラン
Barnie76@: Eclair des Prés et Alexis Boulard
madras91: Race ardennaise
philippeguillot21: Bona Fide (15) et Diego Fortuna (4) au coude à coude
philippeguillot21: Au galop sur la plage de Coutainville
richardwestergren: Uza Josselyn.
richardwestergren: Face Time Bourbon.
richardwestergren: Face Time Bourbon.
richardwestergren: Bélina Josselyn.
richardwestergren: Bold Eagle.
richardwestergren: Davidson du Pont.
kimpossible pics: O'Neill Shine
kimpossible pics: Looking Into the Future
kimpossible pics: The Coach and Homehome
kimpossible pics: Parsimony
kimpossible pics: Harty Barn
Barnie76@: Incident de course , cheval en liberté
kimpossible pics: Tools of the Trade
kimpossible pics: Shined Boots
kimpossible pics: Taking in the View
kimpossible pics: Morning Workouts
kimpossible pics: John Henry
kimpossible pics: Morning Workouts
kimpossible pics: Working in Company
Derby Gal: Breeders Cup Juvenile 1A
Derby Gal: BC Juvenile Wrecking Crew 3