hobbes8calvin: Leah Velocity
hobbes8calvin: Leah Velocity Triptych
hobbes8calvin: Leah Velocity
John Magas - www.johnmagas.com: Frida Kahlo's self portraits
Johny Malone: Lou Carrigan - Muerto en acto de servicio (Bruguera)
Johny Malone: Lou Carrigan - Muertes para la armonía (Bruguera)
Johny Malone: Lou Carrigan - Operación Estrellas (Bruguera)
Johny Malone: Lou Carrigan - Se vende un país (Bruguera)
Before The Worst: Natasha Di Martino
sandpiper2011: Merchant City Festival Glasgow
sandpiper2011: Merchant City Festival Glasgow
Johny Malone: Andrew Frazer - La caída de Marty Moon (Salamandra)
Johny Malone: Brett Halliday - Una dama casquivana (Acme)
The Aura: Femme Fatale BW
johnny cianf: Quanto sei Severa
johnny cianf: Mary Rcl
johnny cianf: I tuoi sguardi che fondevano i metalli...
Mr. Sable: Ruby & Bernie
Edvina Meta: Orchid Queen
johnny cianf: Sara svegliati è primavera!
johnny cianf: Noi, i ragazzi dello zoo di Berlino
nataliavalarini: Selfie Sidecut Natália Valarini
nataliavalarini: Heart-Shaped Glasses (When The Heart Guides The Hand)