Before The Worst: Sabrina Onana
Before The Worst: Tiziana Violante
Before The Worst: Natasha Di Martino
Before The Worst: Natasha Di Martino
Before The Worst: Serena Orabona
Before The Worst: Arianna Edylei
Before The Worst: Sabrina Onana
Before The Worst: Suemi Torre
Before The Worst: Serena Orabona
Before The Worst: Rossella Vitiello
Before The Worst: Arianna Edylei
Before The Worst: Rossella Vitiello
Before The Worst: Arianna Edylei
Before The Worst: Serena #34
Before The Worst: Fanny #30
Before The Worst: Serena #33
Before The Worst: Fanny #29
Before The Worst: Fanny #28
Before The Worst: Serena #32
Before The Worst: Fanny #27
Before The Worst: Fanny #26
Before The Worst: Fanny #25 - Serena O #31
Before The Worst: Serena O #30
Before The Worst: Serena O #29
Before The Worst: Fanny #24
Before The Worst: Fanny #23
Before The Worst: Fanny #22
Before The Worst: Debora #6
Before The Worst: Sperlonga #3