Dah Professor: Green Frog
Bernard Spragg: The Green and Golden Bell Frog,
michaelrayspencer: Ceutorhynchus sp. weevil
michaelrayspencer: Red Centipede mom (Scolopocryptops angusticeps) guarding her eggs.
michaelrayspencer: Paeromopus angusticeps
michaelrayspencer: Sierran Treefrog bailing out
michaelrayspencer: Pine Trogossitid Beetle - Temnoscheila chlorodia
michaelrayspencer: Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog
michaelrayspencer: Western Forest Scorpion - Uroctonus mordax
michaelrayspencer: Colonus hesperus
michaelrayspencer: Colonus hesperus
michaelrayspencer: Northwestern Fence Lizard - Sceloporus occidentalis occidentalis
Ted_Roger_Karson: Moth Hummingbird DSCF4259
Ted_Roger_Karson: Moth Hummingbird DSCF4256
Ted_Roger_Karson: Moth Humming Bird IMG_6494
Dah Professor: Rough Green
Bernard Spragg: Madagascar day gecko
Dah Professor: Greenie
michaelrayspencer: Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard - Phrynosoma mcallii
HGHjim: Komodo Dragon - Varanus komodoensis
Rémi Bigonneau: Aeshna mixta
HGHjim: Albino Monocled Cobra - Naja kaouthia
HGHjim: American Alligator - Alligator mississippiensis
HGHjim: Cecropia Silk Moth - Hyalophora cecropia
HGHjim: Tree Frog in a Bed of Lettuce
HGHjim: American Alligator - Alligator mississippiensis
Rémi Bigonneau: Sympetrum striolatum
HGHjim: Florida Red-bellied Cooter - Pseudemys nelsoni
Rémi Bigonneau: Belgica antarctica
HGHjim: Black Milksnake - Lampropeltis triangulum gaigeae