prdsra: grandmother and granddaughter
prdsra: colors
prdsra: yoga at sunset 2
prdsra: Ancona, the arch of Trajan
prdsra: guess who is on the first day on the beach ...
prdsra: the pioneers of the new season
prdsra: colors
prdsra: fresh fish and white wine, please..
prdsra: at park2
prdsra: in front of my house
prdsra: spring
prdsra: the telecommunications tower
prdsra: a sunset without special effects
prdsra: spring
prdsra: the trophy on the window
prdsra: color
prdsra: sunset
prdsra: blue
prdsra: my orchids
prdsra: alone
prdsra: colors
prdsra: on the beach and wearing a mask, away from the others
prdsra: white & blue
prdsra: paintings
prdsra: the hard fatigue of the cyclist ..
prdsra: time ago