j.vanovervelt: Joy PUUR
j.vanovervelt: A smile to die for
kiri-fuda: The Lionel
47604: puffins
47604: 47658 at bristol
47604: 45056 at sheffield
maljoe: Penwortham [Listed Building Grade II] - Fleece Inn 240323
maljoe: Penwortham [Listed Building Grade II*] - Church of St Mary 240323
maljoe: Penwortham [Listed Building Grade II*] - Church of St Mary + Graveyard 240323
Bernard Spragg: Scarlet pouch (Weraroa erythrocephala)
teamperks: 20231121_182413556_iOS
teamperks: 20231112_220122208_iOS
teamperks: 20231111_181844663_iOS
teamperks: 20231105_003030414_iOS
teamperks: 20231104_235221617_iOS
kiri-fuda: Reflections on a Moving Train
47604: 43101 at llandudno jct
amalthus: 2023122-BLOOMING PINK ROSES 2302
** Janets Photos **: Hornsea Mere ...
47604: 70008 at northampton
j.vanovervelt: Twisting
maljoe: 24.05.05 - Barnacre [Church & Postbox] 240430
maljoe: Penwortham - Bridge over River Ribble 240323
maljoe: Penwortham - River Ribble 240323
Pierre Magain: Gaëlle
** Janets Photos **: Oil Rapeseed Flower ..
47604: doncaster minster
maljoe: Penwortham [Listed Building Grade II] - Sundial at Church of St Mary 240323
maljoe: Penwortham [Listed Building Grade II*] - Church of St Mary 240323 2
maljoe: Penwortham [Listed Building Grade II] - Stone Slab at Church of St Mary 240323