bob.gauley: Snowy Owl
bob.gauley: Snowy Owl
seralosman: Seagul
bob.gauley: Snowy Owl
michèle 69600: Pélican frisé, Pelecanus crispus
Laura Rowan: Peaceful, easy feeling.....
Mr Peregrine: Mediterranean Gull 2
Laura Rowan: Let the Happiness In!
michèle 69600: (Parc des oiseaux, Villard les Dombes)
michèle 69600: Pélican frisé, Pelecanus crispus
Laura Rowan: Friends teach each other to fly
bimbler2009: Having a Drink (1)
Laura Rowan: Nothing happens unless first a dream.... Carl Sandburg
Laura Rowan: Pretty Fly for a White Guy .... (Really it's a song!!)
Larry Meade: Whooping Cranes (Grus americana) Take Off
Supremecourtjester: Egret in flight
Supremecourtjester: Proud Swan and Cygnets-- Tarrytown Reservoir
Supremecourtjester: Swan flaps its wings
Laura Rowan: Man in the mirror
Laura Rowan: I just love surprises!
Laura Rowan: The Sentinel
Laura Rowan: Growing Up....
Laura Rowan: Mom and Dad decide to play hokie pokie while junior is sleeping
Laura Rowan: I'm so excited - I just can't hide it - I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!!