Laura Rowan: You light up my life.....
nicnac1000: Kerala, India
nicnac1000: Eastern Cattle Egret, Kovalum, Kerala
muzzafeet: MoreRain
Laura Rowan: Should I stay or should I go?
Laura Rowan: Magnifying glasses anyone???
nicnac1000: Nice, France
Pandiyan: Didn't know herons could be hand-fed!
Vigga Páls: A happy family..
Laura Rowan: Families bloom with love.....
Mr Peregrine: Kittiwakes
Mr Peregrine: Gannet
Mr Peregrine: Gannet
Laura Rowan: White as snow.... but a good kind of snow!
just1snap: Bathing Beauties
just1snap: Beautiful
Vigga Páls: Beautirest..
Vigga Páls: Together through life.
Vigga Páls: I'm 1 year old with my parents in Bakkatjörn,Iceland
ZapGaspix: Duck
ZapGaspix: Duck
ZapGaspix: Duck
ZapGaspix: Duck
ZapGaspix: Duck
ZapGaspix: Ducks