grotegut: Oliver has to sleep with every blanket he can find in the house. Every night his brothers have to wait until he's fallen asleep so they can steal their blankets back.
grotegut: Happy first birthday baby Indiana! I can't believe you're one and I haven't met you. I can't wait until I do! Stay fat baby panda bear!
grotegut: The many faces of Oliver Lason Carley.
grotegut: Squee! My Keaton Beck was so tiny!
grotegut: Keaton made this totally awesome pac-man scene out of playdoh.
grotegut: I took pictures of Ollie on his first day of school, now he insists on having his picture taken daily.
grotegut: Ollie's first day of his last year of preschool. He was so excited to go!
grotegut: First day of school was a success!
grotegut: We were trying on sneakers and the boys helped themselves to some fashionable hats.
grotegut: This boy is so Smiley and Happy this morning.
grotegut: The gingers came to visit for family movie night.
grotegut: Look at my baby!
grotegut: Five years ago today I was hugely pregnant with Ollie. It's strange to think there was a time before him. He's the center of our family and such a big part of my everyday. At the same time I can't believe this was five years ago.
grotegut: First day of 4th and 5th grade.
grotegut: He got so bored and kept asking where Keaton was. He demanded I bring Keaton home so he could play. A minute ago it got quiet and I found him asleep. It's hard being the youngest.
grotegut: I wonder what it says about me that I just let my cat have my pillows. Oh no, I don't move her. In fact I get into bed and actually get disappointed that she beat me to the pillows. I am sleeping with s jacket balled up as a pillow while my cat stretches
grotegut: I forgot to share this photo from the boys last day of swimming lessons. Both level fours!
grotegut: He can't go anywhere without his iPad.
grotegut: Keaton and Joss having some morning hot chocolate.
grotegut: Just roaring marshmallows in his bare feet.
grotegut: We went camping!
grotegut: He says he's a gorgeous princess and I agree.
grotegut: Such a cute view.
grotegut: This kid, oh this kid!
grotegut: Best shirt ever. Also fitting since I've needed a cat in that spot every day since Thursday.
grotegut: Just coloring Christmas pictures on his iPad at 4:30 in the morning. Why? Because he can't be tamed.
grotegut: I found this hair tutorial on how to get beach wavy hair just by going to bed with damp hair twisted up into two pieces. It turned out awesome!
grotegut: Date night with my bestest buddy!
grotegut: This is John Grotegut. He still pronounces 'friends' like 'fronds' because he's never heard the word before.
grotegut: Our annual BBQ was a blast! Thanks everyone for coming.