Frank Fullard: The bowelr, the brolly and the photographer
Barbara Fallas: not a place to find yourself at midnight on Halloween
emilyluckau: Maddie
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Our shadows went on ahead…
Frank Fullard: Faces from the horse fair
Barbara Fallas: Back Turner Street ... for Alex
TheMightyEye: Excalibur
monosnaps: Smithfield Dublin Holga HP5
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: When social distancing is not an option
Frank Fullard: The Card Shark
monosnaps: Dollymount Holga 2020 HP5 Rodinal
monosnaps: North Great Georges St Dublin 1
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Hanging out with friends
Frank Fullard: Bearded
Flickr: Join our “Shine a Light” photo contest and win a FUJIFILM camera!
thebaz_dublin: Bloomsday
Frank Fullard: Matching fringes
monosnaps: James St Dublin
DoveVadar: Three's a crowd
monosnaps: O'Connells Sth Richmond St Dublin 2005
tweetymonkey: I don't know about you, but I think Fleet Street is one of the most beautiful in the city... Especially at night 😍 #Dublin #enjoyyourcity #city
Rui Palha: Best of April in HSPCorner
Liverpool Streeteye: Screenshot 2020-04-14 at 00.00.52
Greg Matthews: DSCF4501