jericl cat: "Wilshire Special" Streetlight
maxim_kondratov: Helsinki
honeybean33: USS Missouri
honeybean33: USS Bowfin
dogwelder: CSI: Wonderland
Ian Saul Hay: Blackpool
dmcneal: Eiffel
Carrie Patterson: Don't put this body underground.
Carrie Patterson: Soak it up
tsienni: The Road Not Taken
thupancic: Ty and Kitty
thupancic: My Favorite Child
thupancic: The Apple of His Eye
JohnnyEnglish: Unusual Mushroom-Shaped Anchor, near Preston Docks.
dark_osprey: "Dark...I am your FATHER!!!!"
thupancic: DSC_4797
thupancic: Strange Angel
thupancic: This way . . .
thupancic: DSC_5113
dogwelder: It's Curtains for you, Mugsy!
monkeytime | brachiator: Three Ring Circus ... Nine Circles of Hell
thupancic: Nod and Kenny
bricolage.108: Leads to definition
thupancic: Dead Gaze
thupancic: For Brian
dogwelder: Ceiling