Grendl: Dark Eyed Juncos
Grendl: Afternoon Moon
Grendl: Charlie Brown's Bonsai
Grendl: Floppy Top-Knot
Grendl: An unidentified squirrel
Grendl: They watch the cabin when we're away.
Grendl: Must come down!
Grendl: What goes up...
Grendl: Portrait of a Happy Family
Grendl: Sunset, from Humber Park
Grendl: mossy stump
Grendl: November sunset
Grendl: 1st snow
Grendl: icicles
Grendl: icy boulder
Grendl: Indian maidens 5-27-07
Grendl: Stellar's Jay
Grendl: Kitty and Gracie
Grendl: Chipmunk on the Boulder
Grendl: Misty Mountains
Grendl: Misty Mountains
Grendl: Spotted Towhee
Grendl: Misty Mountains
Grendl: Pinhole Stump
Grendl: Misty Mountains
Grendl: Rustic Outhouse
Grendl: Frozen Acorn Woodpeckers
Grendl: Acorn Woodpecker Hop
Grendl: Snowy Bushes
Grendl: Fog